
Organizations of like mind


Click on the highlighted name for the link to the organizational homepage.

Westar Institute ~ Westar Institute is a member-supported, non-profit research and educational institute founded in 1986 and dedicated to the advancement of religious literacy. Westar’s twofold mission is to foster collaborative research in religious studies and to communicate the results of the scholarship of religion to a broad, non-specialist public.

The Center for Progressive Christianity ~ We promote an understanding of Christian practice and teaching that leads to a greater concern for the way people treat each other than for the way people express their beliefs, the acceptance of all people, and a respect for other religious traditions.

The Clergy Letter Project ~ The Clergy Letter Project is an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and science can be compatible and to elevate the quality of the debate of this issue.

Oklahoma Institute for Biblical Literacy ~ Our mission is to share insights from current research with ordained and non-ordained Oklahomans so that they can incorporate the best of contemporary biblical scholarship into their religious beliefs, practices. and responsibilities.