
Our Mission Statement

A gathering of individuals and organizations fostering progressive religious education.

Our Objectives

  • To provide local forums and discussion panels of progressive religious thinking,
    with opportunities for open dialogue.
  • To bring world-class religious/biblical scholars to Tulsa at least once a year.

What is Progressive Christianity?

While there is no one definition, there are some basic characteristics, such as:

  • Willingness to question tradition, including traditional understandings of church doctrines and biblical interpretations.
  • Respect of intellectual integrity, including the use of the latest in biblical and scientific knowledge and understanding.
  • Acceptance and affirmation of human diversity; ministries of inclusiveness and hospitality.
  • Strong emphasis on ministries to promote social justice, peace, and care of the environment and all of God’s good creation.
  • Centrality of the commandment to “love one another” — a ministry of compassion.
  • Outreach to those for whom organized religion has proved ineffectual, irrelevant, or repressive.
  • A life of faith is approached as a journey, not a destination.